Certified undertaking

Everybody is insured

We are operating certified climbing gyms, which means that you as a visitor are automatically insured when climbing at Klättercentret.

Additionally to that you can also become a member of the Swedish climbing association and complement this with an insurance which applies when climbing at other places, for example the outdoors.

Certified climbing

At Klättercentret our priority is the safety of our customers and employees. We have been certified by the Swedish climbing association ever since they started with their certification. That means, among other things, that we:

  • Work with licenses
  • Continuously educate our employees for a safer working environment
  • Work with, and build the gyms in a way that create a safe environment

Climbing licenses

When you climb roped you always work in a team of two people. One of you climb, and the other one belays. It’s a big responsibility to belay a climber – You are literally holding another human life in your hands. As a climber it’s important to check and verify that the person belaying you knows what he or she is doing. Make sure that your belayer has the green license or red license, for either top rope or lead climbing/belaying.

For climbing and belaying at Klättercentret it is mandatory to carry the national climbing licenses.